Revenue Cycle Management Services for Dallas Law Firms
Improve Your Cash Flow and Revenue Realization
Revenue Cycle Management offers a comprehensive end-to-end solution for all major accounting functions for Law Firms. Powered by innovative technology, our dedicated teams of experts manage each aspect of the intake-to-cash cycle while maximizing the revenue process.
10x ROI Across the Firm
96 % of eBills are Accepted on First Submission
95 % of A/R Collected
50 % Reduction in Write-offs
5 Days Improvement in Revenue Recovery Speed
A/R Management: Dedicated team member that values relationships
Improve Your Law Firm’s Cash to Intake Cycle
ISO27001:2013 Certified
Request our A/R Assessment
to receive:
- Billing and collection metrics
- Average Days to Bill, Average Days to Pay
- Days of unbilled and days of A/R
- Portfolio age and balance
- Industry benchmark comparisons
- Billing and collection metrics
Benefits of Revenue Cycle Management Solutions for Law Firms
Increase Overall Firm Profit
Increase eBill Acceptance
Collection Realization Improvement
Improved Cash Cycle
Resolved Billing Rejections
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