Litigation Services

Digital Forensics

Construct a Case Built on A Solid FoundationConstruct a Case Built on A Solid Foundation
Digital Forensics

Construct a Case Built on A Solid Foundation

Our Digital Forensics solution empowers law firms and corporations to build a strong case based on solid evidence. Working with stealth, we develop collection strategies and execute them to economically collect and investigate our clients' matters from various data sources, including social media, artificial intelligence utilities, mobile devices, and network systems. We use the latest technology from Magnet Forensics, Cellebrite, X-Ways Forensics, and Elcomsoft to efficiently extract data for analysis. 


With our comprehensive approach, you can be confident that all relevant data is collected and analyzed thoroughly. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary evidence to build a strong legal case that achieves your desired outcome. 

Benefits of using Frontline Digital Forensics

Eliminate any opportunity for claims of spoliation, tampering or alteration

of the evidence preserved, and provide a solid evidence foundation on which to build your case.

Knowledgeable, testifying experts support

the authentication of evidence with courtroom and deposition experience backed with solid chain of custody documentation.

Our digital investigators can minimize disruption

to your corporate clients’ operations by leveraging remote collection technologies, cloud preservation processes, and flexibility in scheduling to accommodate users and systems’ workdays.

Protocol development for preservation and investigation

that aligns with case strategy, discovery obligations, and clients’ technology.

Benefits of using Frontline Digital Forensics

Eliminate any opportunity for claims of spoliation, tampering or alteration

of the evidence preserved, and provide a solid evidence foundation on which to build your case.

Knowledgeable, testifying experts support

the authentication of evidence with courtroom and deposition experience backed with solid chain of custody documentation.

Our digital investigators can minimize disruption

to your corporate clients’ operations by leveraging remote collection technologies, cloud preservation processes, and flexibility in scheduling to accommodate users and systems’ workdays.

Protocol development for preservation and investigation

that aligns with case strategy, discovery obligations, and clients’ technology.

Frontline Managed Services Website Footer Full ColorDigital Forensics Services

Key Take

+ Matters handled for clients
+ Terabytes under secure evidence storage
% Average reduction in data ingestion volumes with coordination with eDiscovery team and post-preservation analysis
Frontline Managed Services Website Footer Full ColorDigital Forensics Services

Key Take

+ Matters
for clients
+ Terabytes
under secure
evidence storage
% Average
reduction in data
ingestion volumes
with coordination with
eDiscovery team and
post-preservation analysis

Software Partners

Magnet Forensics
Magnet Forensics
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Litigation Services

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