Revenue Cycle Management for New York Law Firms

Best Practices for eBilling Appeal Process: Accelerating Your Cash Cycle

Improve Your Law Firm’s Cash to Intake Cycle

Streamline your eBilling process with Frontline Managed Services. At Frontline, we offer a comprehensive end-to-end solution for all major accounting functions for Law Firms. Powered by innovative technology, our dedicated teams of experts manage each aspect of the intake-to-cash cycle while maximizing the revenue process.

10x ROI Across the Firm

95% of A/R Collected

50% Reduction in Write-offs

5 Days Improvement in Revenue Recovery Speed

96% of eBills Accepted On First Submission

ISO27001:2022 Certified

Request our Gap Assessment:

      • Intake-to-Cash Process Analysis
      • Review of Current Roles
      • Technical Evaluation
      • Volume Analysis

Benefits of Revenue Cycle Management Services

Increase eBill Acceptance

Increase Overall Firm Profit

Collection Realization Improvement

Improved Cash Cycle

Resolved Billing Rejections


What people say about Frontline Managed Services

Patrick Binsol - Lerch, Early & Brewer, CHTD.

“The world of legal IT has unique nuances, where Jim and his team have always drawn from experience in the legal vertical and provided great insight. Frontline has been extremely helpful in navigating the vast landscape of software and services in the legal market.”

Patrick BinsolLerch, Early & Brewer, CHTD.
Patrick Binsol - Lerch, Early & Brewer, CHTD.

“Everyone I have worked with through the years has been extremely responsive, knowledgeable, and just a pleasure to work with. Frontline has taken the time to get to know our firm and how we work. There is a level of personalized service that is not so common in today’s world.”

Patrick BinsolLerch, Early & Brewer, CHTD.
David Chase - Evert Weathersby Houff

“Having an MSP like Frontline Managed Services has enabled the firm the freedom to focus more on day-to-day operations, knowing that your company’s infrastructure is being properly maintained and proactively monitored.”

David ChaseEvert Weathersby Houff

Learn More About
Revenue Cycle Management Services